
Posts Tagged ‘coconut coir’

Seedy SaturdaySeedy Saturday is a National program that’s organized every spring by Seeds of Diversity. The goal is to encourage the exchange of heritage seeds and to share information relating to organic agriculture. To find dates and event details for your area, click here.

Today’s event in Ottawa was a great success. The weather was balmy and the Ron Kolbus Centre was packed from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

I set up a table to promote worm composting and brought along some coconut coir and finished worm compost to sell. Our table had a steady stream of visitors of all ages with lots of questions about worms and worm composting. Our big bucket of red wigglers was a great attention grabber! It appears that the idea of vermicomposting is especially hot this year. And I’m very excited about that.

I’d like to extend a big old Howdy-do to any of you who stopped by my table. I’ll be using many of your questions to guide the next few posts.

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